Wednesday, August 29, 2007


How is sushi prepared to ensure it is safe to eat and is sushi really as good as people say it is?

I am really interested in how sushi is prepared. I enjoy eating it a lot and do not really think too much as far as how it is prepared after I order it at the restaurant, as long as I do not get sick. I do not think I have ever gotten sick from eating sushi. I did a quick search on sushi preparation and it looks as though the fish is flash frozen to kill off anything it might have picked up while it was being cut from the fish.

There is also a lot of talk about how sushi is very healthy for you and the fish alone has its own health attributes. I would like to investigate the claims further and see how exactly it can help me just by eating a lot of sushi. I would love to find somewhere that I should eat large quantities of sushi per week, as it is one of my favorite foods.

Why is this topic interesting to me?
Sushi is one of my favorite foods. Most food nowadays (meat, anyways) has to be cooked thoroughly before consuming it to prevent contracting any foodborne illnesses. But why is sushi safe? What makes it so you can safely eat the raw fish on a regular basis and not get sick from it? Sushi is yummy and I want to find out more!

1 comment:

mkrobert said...

your topic sounds a lot more fun to research than mine... even though I think the fact that you're eating raw fish is gross. If you truly find out that it's very healthy for you, I'll try it.